Tuesday, March 27, 2012


 Nothing much to say except...............HOPE YOU LIKE THEM!!!!!


 this is real DEW! I went over to the Ellsworth's house and we went out really early like 8:30 in the morning and found that all of the grass was like this!
 We found this ladybug and were moving him around for a very long time I felt bad for him!
 I stole this idea from a friend of mine,her name was Maddie Ellsworth.
 I relly didn't mean to catch the sun in the back of this picture but I did and it turned out fine!
 MORE DEW!I was so EXCITED  that I had caught a picture of it!!!
 This is just a river!
 The AMAZING three legged dog that is a good runner but not so good of a walker!
I found this bee hive or whatever you call it on the side of a trail!I STILL HAVE IT!LOL

Sunday, March 25, 2012



 These are tulips that I saw!!!
 I saw this a at a friends house while we were in there woods and took a picture of it!!
 There was a whole field of these and so I stopped for a drink and snapped a picture of it!!!
 I was practicing on close up pictures and practiced on this flower!

 These were some flowers that were in a pasture and I snapped a picture!!
 I saw these and wondered what they were so I wanted to take a picture and ask someone what they were,but I looked at it and think that it is leaves!
These were the same flowers that are already on my blog!